This series of 34 monoprints, titled Angels & Demons of the Pandemic, was created in response to the corona virus pandemic, and the many heroes and villains who have played a part in it. I was inspired by holy cards, tarot cards, ex votos, & Renaissance paintings of saints. I was also thinking about the meaning of the words corona and pandemic. Corona means small circle of light, halo, crown. The origins of the word “pandemic”: mid 17th century: from Greek pandēmos (from pan ‘all’ + dēmos ‘people’), and the word “pandemonium”: mid 17th century: modern Latin (denoting the place of all demons, in Milton’s Paradise Lost), from pan- ‘all’ + Greek daimōn ‘demon’.
All one-of-a-kind mixed-media monoprints, 20″w x 28″h, mixed media with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, enamel on Arches 88. 2020 NFS

"Angel of Truth", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of COVID-19", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of COVID-19 Testing", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Propaganda", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Greed", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Disinfectants", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Profiteering" 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Hand Sanitizers", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Agitators", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Hope", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of White Nationalism", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Peace", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of PPE", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Peaceful Protest", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Racism", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Covid-19 Vaccines" , 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Complicity", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Hypocrisy", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Instigators", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of False Prophets", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Science", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Medical Workers", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Good Governance", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Kakistocracy", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Sycophants", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Mask Makers", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Political Corruption", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Political Opportunists", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Social Media", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Breath", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Justice", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Demon of Tarnished Reputations", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Equality", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020

"Angel of Compassion", 20"w x 28"h, mixed media monoprint with pochoir, silk screen, collage, oil pastel, colored pencil, 2020